Sunday, October 27, 2013

SC Johnson Pledge Fabric Sweeper for Pet Hair, 2 Pack

Works great, but it's only meant to be used once and tossed
Does anyone at Johnson's Wax actually own a pet with fur that's larger than a hamster? With a couple cats and dogs in the house this works well on the sofa and maybe one chair before the container is completely full of pet hair. That's a lot of money to clean the pet hair off a couple pieces of furniture not to mention all of these things landing up in our landfills. At even half the price if you buy the double pack, if you used one of these things 5 times a week, (Those of you who live with pets know that filling one of these things takes less than 10 minutes) it would cost almost $1,300 a year to keep you supplied with these fabric sweepers. For that kind of money you could replace the couch and chair every year!

That said, these fabric sweepers work better than the other rolling or brushing type devices I've tried. The single brush type things don't pick up the hair very well, and the the roller-with-the-sticky-tape-stuff are just plain annoying. This isn't perfect,...

fabric sweeper
works great, but instead of throwing it away when full, you can remove the roller/s, empty it and use it again

Works Well, but Pledge should MAKE it reusable!
I would probably give this product five stars if not for the fact that it's apparently designed to be disposable. Mine fills up every time I sweep the cat hair from my window seat cushions, so I would be spending a fortune on these things if I actually threw them away when they were full, not to mention the fact that that's about as un-environmentally-sound as it gets. However, I've been using the same one for over two years now, after figuring out on Day One that if the manufacturers weren't going to build in a way to get the fur out, I would make my own. Two minutes with an X-Acto knife and I now had a handy little flap that would allow me to reach in and pull out all the accumulated cat hair and start again. I see from the reviews here that most people have figured out a similar workaround, but it's rather irksome that the product wouldn't be designed to be reusable in the first place.

It really does work fantastically well and is the best thing I've found for removing...

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