Thursday, October 31, 2013

Donvier 837409W 1-Quart Ice Cream Maker

Attention Unhappy Customers!
I ordered my Donvier a couple of weeks ago, in spite of some negative reviews, because I've used this type of ice cream maker before and I like the hand cranking, no-salt method. It's also small and easy to store. Since I received my Donvier I have experienced every problem listed by a negative reviewer for this product, and I have found the single solution to all of them.

When I got the Donvier I made some ice cream right away and it came out perfect--yay! Then I thought, hmm, better with a little less sugar. So I tried it again. Disaster! The mixture got all slushy, with too-large ice crystals, and it never really froze. This sounded suspiciously like one of the negative reviews I'd read, but since the first batch was great, I tried again. WORSE! Not even any ice crystals this time. The Donvier I now possessed could not freeze an ice cube. I started thinking "defective product," and was considering sending it back. But then I remembered reading recently that...

Nothin' but Ice Cream!
Caution: Rave Review
Why can't I get decent chocolate chip ice cream? That's what I want to know. Chocolate chip, plain, unvarnished and perfect, is a rapidly vanishing breed in the highly segmented world of commercial premium ice cream.

The Donvier lets you create the fresh flavors you want, when you want them. So, I get my chocolate chip with rich veins of beautiful Ghiradelli's milk chocolate chips and just a few semi-sweet for the heck of it. My wife's favorite is fresh peach and that's what she gets. You know what - in season, it tastes very much like a beautifully ripe peach! Only better.

Freeze the container overnight. Dump in the ingredients. Pop the lid on. Stir. Wait a bit. Stir some more. Repeat for ... minutes or so. Yesterday, I made a quart of ice cream while I was in the midst of preparing dinner for six - it was just no problem. The ice cream got such rave reviews from our guests that I was troubled at how easy it was to make.

Chocolate chip TIP: Wait...

I have had this machine for a few years but just got into REALLY making wonderful icecream with it. My kids, husband and I love the ice cream we make with this machine. My husband asked me (after tasting his favorite flavor), "You made this icecream, NO, really, is it really homemade?" We have had friends over for dinner and I made some homemade ice cream. They just raved about it....they all want a Donvier too. I purchased this one because it is easy to use and produces FANTASTIC results. My kids love to be able to be part of the process so they, too, can say they can make delicious ice cream. (I think part of what MAKES the machine is a REALLY good recipe). You can buy several different ice cream books but my favorite recipes is from Ben & Jerry's. 2 eggs, 3/4 cup sugar, 1 c milk (I use Half & Half), 2 cups heavy cream. (this is just the base for many different flavors you can make). Beat the eggs for 2 mins, until light and fluffy, add sugar a little at a time, beat...

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