Monday, November 4, 2013

Holmes HAPF7-U8 Smoke Grabber Ashtray Replacement Filter - QTY 2

pricey for just two
but other than that it not much you can say about filter. Smoke grabber,,,,got it pretty quick,,that's it that's it

Great device! Works for my purposes!
Whenever I am smoking the smoke always seems to drift towards my wife's face. She has never smoked in her life and does not like the second hand smoke. When I'm exhaling I can blow the smoke out of the way, but when the cigarette is idle the smoke goes where ever it wants. Which like I said is usually my wife's face. With this device I simply set the cigarette in the tray when idle and the Smoke Grabber takes care of the rest. It sucks up the smoke into the overhead lid and draws it through a filter and disipates the smoke. Completely eliminating the second hand smoke that is ever so attracted to my wife's face. A happy wife is a happy life. I would recommend this to anyone who wishes to reduce the amount of second hand smoke. By the way, I have owned this exact model Smoke Grabber for over 9 years now and it is still working like a charm.

not pleased
I am dissatisfied with this product. You have to open several times before the motor turns on. Also, it has nothing to do with the smoke you are blowing out of your mouth. It only helps when you put the cigarette in the ashtray which is not that often when you are smoking, Right?

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